Gerson Digital : Denmark


Bibliography – D

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Danmarks Kirker 1933-
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S.A.C. Dudok van Heel, ‘The birth of an Artists’ Quarter – Pieter Isaacsz’s Amsterdam Years’, in: B. Noldus and J. Roding (eds.), Pieter Isaacsz (1568-1625), Court Painter, Art Dealer and Spy, Turnhout 2007, pp. 75-91

Dudok van Heel 2007A
S.A.C. Dudok van Heel, 'Parentela of the Family of Pieter Isaacsz', in: B. Noldus and J. Roding (eds.), Pieter Isaacsz (1568-1625). Court Painter, Art Dealer and Spy, Turnhout 2007, pp. 245-259

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