Gerson Digital : Denmark


Bibliography – O/P

Østby 1973
L. Østby, Katalog over utenlandsk malerkunst, Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo 1973

Olden-Jørgensen 2002
S. Olden-Jørgensen, ‘State Ceremonial, Court Culture and Political Power in Early Modern Denmark , 1536-1746’, Scandinavian Journal of History 27, 2 (2002), pp. 65-76

Olsen 1889
B. Olsen, ‘Dronning Sophies Portrætter paa Frederiksborg og Mauritshuis’, Illustreret Tidende 40 (1899), no. 14, p. 226

Olsen 1951
H. Olsen, ‘Et Malet Galleri af Pannini: Kardinal Silvio Valenti Gonzagas Samling’, Kunstmuseets Aarsskrift (1951), pp. 90-103

Olsen 1961
H. Olsen, Italian Paintings and Sculpture in Denmark, Copenhagen 1961

Olsen 1966
H. Olsen, 'Some Paintings in Danish Collections. Some Religious Paintings of Adriaen Pietersz van de Venne In Denmark', Artes. Periodical of the Fine Arts 2 (1966), pp. 76-77, pl. XXXVII-XL

Olsen 1966A
H. Olsen, 'Some Paintings in Danish Collections. Antonie or Oluf Steenwinkel', Artes. Periodical of the Fine Arts 2 (1966), pp. 77-79, pl. XLI-XLII

Olsen 1978
O. Olsen, Christian 4.s tugt- og børnehus, Holstebro 1978

Orenstein 1996
N. Orenstein, Hendrick Hondiu

Paris 1928
N.n. (with introduction by Karl Madsen) , cat. L' art danois depuis fin XVIIIe siècle jusqu'à 1900: catalogue, Paris (Musée du Jeu de Paume) 1928

Paris 1984
N.n. (with introduction by Lars Rostrup Bøyesen and Elisabeth Foucart-Walter, cat. L’ age d’or de la peinture danoise 1800-1850, Paris (Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais) 1984

Paulsen 1941
J. Paulsen, 'Om portrætsamlingen paa Ledreborg', Kunstmuseets Aarsskrift 28 (1941), pp. 15-40

Paulsen/Schepelern/Eller 1961
J. Paulsen, H. Schepelern and P. Eller, Billeder fra Frederiksborg. Pictures from Frederiksborg, Hillerød 1961

Petersen 1865-1866
A. Petersen, ’Consistoriets Kjendelse i en Sag mellem Maleren Abraham Wuchters og Kobberstikkeren Albert Haelwegh’, Danske Samlinger for Historie, Topographi, Personal- og Literaturhistorie 1 (1865-1866), pp. 289-306

Philippovich 1959
E. von Philippovich, ’De arts in de ogen van de patiënt’, Ciba (1959), pp. 77-79

Pilz-von Stein 1965
J. Pilz-von Stein, Intentionen der holländischen Stillebenmalerei zwischen 1640 und 1680 (diss. Universität München), Munich 1965

Poulsen [s.a.]
V. Poulsen, Danish painting and sculpture, Copenhagen [s.a.]

Poulsen 1991
E. Poulsen, Jens Juel (2 vols.), Copenhagen 1991

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